Election 2024

I am proud to introduce myself as the Scottish Labour candidate for EDinburgh South West in the UK General Election on the 4th of July. I have been out campaigning every week since January, and we have spoken to thousands of voters. I have been doing this because I know taking Edinburgh South West from the out of touch SNP will make it easier to get the Tories out of Downing Street.

Speaking to so many local people means I know there is a real desire for change. We’re tired of the sleaze; We’re tired of the chaos and we’re tired of the failure to grow our economy and protect our public services.  After years of Tory chaos and failure, and people feeling so let down by the SNP, this election is an opportunity we cannot afford to miss.

This election is a straight choice between a broken status quo with two bad governments, or change with Labour. A Labour government that will make work pay, bring down energy bills, create jobs and protect our public services.

Other parties want to use this election to send a message. The SNP want to send a message to the Tories. The Tories want to send a message to the SNP. A vote for Labour isn’t a vote to send a message, it’s a vote to send a government to Westminster with Scottish Labour MPs at its heart, delivering the change Scotland needs. Labour is the only party trying to pull Scotland together not drive it apart and Labour is the only party with a positive vision for Scotland’s future.

Polling consistently shows that Edinburgh South West is a fight between the SNP and Labour. Analysis published in May 2024 by the respected Electoral Calculus gives me and the SNP an equal chance of winning. Labour winning here is possible, but I need your vote to help make it happen. Every vote will count.

If I win this seat, we can help make a Labour Government possible and get our country back on track! If Labour is elected, we will demonstrate how much more we can do with government in both Westminster and the Scottish Parliament.

This isn’t about how people voted in the last election, or the one before that, or how they voted in the referendum. No matter how you voted in the past, if you agree that our country needs change, then Labour is ready to deliver it.

We stand at a key moment in our nation’s history. There is a choice ahead of us. More of the same under the SNP and the Tories. Or change with Scottish Labour. If you want change, you have to vote for it.mpion who will fight for transparency and accountability, and for the Council to get the basics right. All you have to do is rank me first on your ballot paper.